Sunday, 3 November 2013

Some Nexus 5 orders will face weeks-long delay

Some Nexus 5 orders will face weeks-long delay

Some Nexus 5 orders will face weeks-long delay
Just when you thought that the Nexus 5 launch had gone as smoothly as possible, the proverbial fly in the ointment comes around to mess things up. Google posted a brief message on the Google support site that order processing might take several weeks longer than expected. The message refers you to the "My Orders" page to check on your specific order.

Those who have already received a shipping confirmation should not be concerned by the message. For the rest of you out there, you will have to remain patient until we get more information from Google. And for the latter, this is a pretty big set back considering that the tech titan was trying to avoid a repeat of last year's launch of the Nexus 4 that saw global shortages of the device lead to unhappy customers who were turned away without being able to buy any variant of the phone.

This time around, it seems that LG might have had a better handle on the demand for the Nexus 5, and enough devices came rolling off the line. If Google's posting is to be believed, the problem is with order processing, not with the number of devices available. We still don't know how many units are involved, so the hope is that this is not a widespread problem.

"Order processing for Nexus 5 devices may take a little longer than usual, up to several weeks. If you ordered a Nexus 5 device, go to ‘My orders’ and click Info for the most up-to-date order status."-Google

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